We offer a complete range of Personal Insurance options. From industry superannuation funds to Australia’s leading Life Insurance companies.
We can provide you with comparisons so you can make an informed choice.
We take the hard work out of getting Personal Insurance right.
So if you need a quote complete the form or call one of our advisers.
We do the comparing for you, even old discontinued polices (be sure to give us a copy of your policy document) and then we will provide you with a costs and risk analysis so you can make the right choice! Here is a small sample of polices we have compared in the past.

We will also provide you with a recommendation on your Personal Insurance needs.
Personal Insurance is vital to protect both your financial lifestyle and your loved ones.
CCA FP offer, as part of their Personal Insurance range, Mortgage Protection Insurance, which can provide relief in these times of financial stress.
To protect your family, it is important that you have the full suite of Personal Insurance:
- Life Insurance
- Life and Total & Permanent Disability Insurance
- Income Protection Insurance
- Trauma insurance
We understand that with the Global Economic Crisis, many people can feel some anxiety that their way of life could be dramatically changed with a sudden loss of income. This is why CCA FP will assist you to find Income Protection Insurance that can protect both you and your family.
Personal Insurance always makes good financial planning sense.
It is important to review your Personal Insurance policies on a regular basis as Life Insurance companies are always upgrading their insurance benefits but most fail to upgrade their existing customer’s benefits!
CCA FP will do all the hard work comparing policies so you can make the right choice!