If you have been recently diagnosed with a serious medical condition, trying to get the right answers to your questions can be frustrating. Without access to the best specialists, you can be left floundering in the dark with little guidance as to the optimum treatment options for your condition or the long term implications for yourself and your family.
Best Doctors is a worldwide network of over 50,000 peer nominated medical specialists who are accessible to help with patient queries and treatment plans for a number of serious illnesses and conditions. This service was established in 1989 by doctors from Harvard Medical School and has since grown to encompass many of the top medical minds worldwide. If you are looking for answers to your questions, Best Doctors is the place to find them.
More than 260 companies worldwide work closely with Best Doctors to ensure the best outcome and peace of mind for their clients, including large insurers and health service providers such as BUPA and Merrill Lynch.
Until recently Australia has lagged behind the rest of the world when it comes to taking advantage of the skills and expertise provided by Best Doctors but this has now changed with Australian insurance company MLC providing exclusive access to the Best Doctors medical advice service as part of their critical illness insurance policy.
This means that should you be diagnosed with a serious illness while you have a Critical Illness insurance policy with MLC, you will be able to access the Best Doctors network at no cost. In addition to receiving the best possible information about your condition, you may receive treatment advice that could potentially save your life.
It is very simple for policy holders to use MLC’s Best Doctors service. If you have recently been diagnosed with a significant medical condition all you need to do is phone the organization and speak to an Australian medical professional who will discuss your requirements and start the process off for you. The process is designed to be simple and hassle free with no need for lengthy discussions with multiple professionals. The required information is gathered by the Australian Best Doctors team and relayed to you in the form of a report which you can then share with your local medical professionals.
Using the Best Doctors service has a number of advantages including access to the top specialists in the field and an opportunity to get advice from experts in a number of countries, not just Australia. By using the Best Doctors service you can have the peace of mind of knowing that you have the best possible medical advice on your particular illness or condition and all the information you want is a phone call away.
Your local doctor or medical team will benefit from having an extra opinion and set of recommendations from a leading professional in the field and with your authorization, medical reports and information can be sent directly to your treating medical professional, simplifying the process even further.
If you are considering Critical Illness Insurance, it is well worth considering MLC’s critical illness policy. If you are ever diagnosed with a serious illness, having access to the Best Doctors network could put your mind at ease and may even provide valuable insight into your condition which could potentially save your life.
Contact one of CCA Financial Planners advisers today to help you get access to MLC’s Best Doctors.