If you are concerned about your debt/finance situation you are not alone. Most of us have some kind of debt in the form of a mortgage, investment or personal loan or even a credit card balance. With interest rates trending lower – now at a thirty year low – there’s no better time to review your current finance situation and take control.
How can we help?
As financial advisers we commonly see clients that have made loan decisions based purely on the best available rate at the time of setting up a loan. With greater emphasis placed on a client’s personal situation we are able to create a strategy that not only takes advantage of a great rate but also the best available loan structures. Potentially saving thousands over the life of the loan!
Do you ask yourself?
- Can I consolidate all my finance into one low rate loan?
- Is it the right time to fix my mortgage or perhaps fix part of it?
- Can I pay off my mortgage faster – especially while rates are low?
- Can I free up some additional cash flow?
- Can I use my debt to build wealth?
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