A super way to insure

An essential part of every financial plan is having personal insurance.  But it’s also important to make sure you buy it in a tax-effective way. Benefit from up-front tax concessions If you buy personal insurances such as Life and Total and Permanent Disability through a super fund, you may be able to take advantage of…

Top 10 tips for Estate Planning

Make a will. A will allows you to distribute your estate according to your wishes. You can also avoid the additional costs and delays that may result if you die without a valid will. Choose your executor wisely. Your executor is responsible for ensuring the administration of your estate is dealt with in a timely…

To downsize or not?

If you’re an empty nester or retiree who owns their own home, chances are you’ve considered whether it makes sense to downsize your home. While there can be financial — and other — benefits in selling up, it’s important to consider whether it’s the right move for you. The pros Downsizing your home can be…

Current geopolitical risks

Brian Parker, discusses why financial markets seem complacent about the geopolitical risks the world is facing. He explains: how there is currently an elevated level of geopolitical risk what the possible investment implications of these risks are, and why the impact on financial markets has been limited so far. Read the full report – Current-geopolitical-risks

Concessional contributions

Superannuation contributions can be divided into two types — concessional (before-tax) and non-concessional (after-tax). Each type of super contribution is subject to a contributions cap. A contributions cap sets a limit on the amount of contributions you can make in any one year. For the 2013/2014 year, there are 2 concessional contributions caps you need…

SMSF and Property Ownership

In recent times, we have had more clients enquire about an SMSF to purchase property and other investments An SMSF is not always appropriate, as there are additional ASIC/ATO responsibilities and costs. However, some of the potential benefits and issues of an SMSF include: • More flexible investment choices, including direct shares and real property…

July economic update

Brian Parker, Head of the Portfolio Specialists Group at MLC, reviews events in markets during June. Among the topics he discusses are: why central banks’ actions remain critical for financial markets how monetary policy generally remains very loose, with very low interest rates creating a positive environment for share markets whether Australia’s exports and non-mining…